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Monday, September 06, 2010

Ugh. Writing is so hard. In my head, I'd like to think of myself as a writer. However in reality, the words are just not flowing. I have great ideas in my head, but when I try putting pen to paper, nothing ever comes out. What is wrong with me? Maybe I'm really not meant to be a writer? Just like this piece I'm writing right now. It's so short. Ugh. I can't even whinge properly on paper.

3:12 AM


Thursday, August 05, 2010

The taxi stopped at a busy junction, and there were these masses of people scurrying across the street. On close inspection, everyone of them is an individual. Everyone different names, different facial features, different builds, different gender. However, if you just look from a distance, they're all the same. They're just people, getting from one place to another.

Am I one of them? Am I just lumped into the 'people' category from a stranger's perspective? Where is my individualism? My distinctive feature? What differentiates me from another person? Am I just lost within this category of 'people'? How do I stand out in this world of 6 billion people?

Sure there are some people who immediately stand out e.g. Hollywood stars, politicians etc. So am I destined to be 'people' and not 'a person' if I never make it onto print and screen?

6:10 PM


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gee.. I seriously wondered how did i spend my time in melbourne lol. Crazily bored in sg right now. It's not like i'm always out in melbourne. I'm just so bored here. So dependent on just 1 person to go out with me.

2:02 AM


Monday, October 19, 2009

Right. So i've succumbed to pressure and logged onto my FB account. So i've no fuckin' idea what's so addictive about it. Just posted a 'What am i thinking right now' and that's it. What else is there to do? Do not conprehend how people spend hours and hours over facebook. Prolly the extra applications. Which i'm not interested in. Anyway i'm so fuckin' bored right now that's why i'm actually blogging. Else you'd have more luck finding me on facebook than here.

Signing off :)
<3 marcus

11:57 PM


Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Boy meets boy. Told me he was messed up and needs to sort himself out. Rejected. Is it real? or more likely, an excuse? I've been told to wait, but i've a feeling i'd be waiting for nothing. Nevertheless, i'll be waiting. It's only 2 more months and i'd be back in Melbourne. It has never gonna be possible anyway. Who am i kidding? Myself? To expect someone to wait 8 months for me? I must be joking right..? I can't fathom why am i even contemplating it. It's ridiculous. Furthermore we are so different. Totally different. Different background different aims. I am going on a wild dragon chase. Heartbreak. Gonna start preparing myself for the inevitable misery. Coming soon.

7:00 AM
